Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year Everyone!

We are now entering into 2011. Isn't it amazing how fast the time goes by and the next thing you know it's the beginning of a whole New Year? There is a distinct lack of photos with this blog as we ended 2010 with a bang in that we had our front door kicked in and our new TV, camera and other things being stolen. Although it was awful and we have that sense of violation that comes with a break in by losers who have been dragged up rather than brought up, we were still able to count our blessings. They include being lucky that our little dog ran out the back and hid rather than getting hurt or getting lost; that we have a monitored alarm; that we have a great neighbour who heard the alarm, came to investigate and in the process got the (probably stolen) car registration number as well as no doubt stopping the  total theft of all our belongings; that my older boy Reuben wasn't here on his own and that I wasn't sleeping in the middle of night shift; that we have a fantastic insurance company; that we have wonderful support. The list goes on but I think it's important to see the blessings rather than to focus on the negatives or else it just means that the losers win. I figure they have taken enough without taking our sense of security...even though that's a hard one to get back.

We continued with our plans of having the family over for a BBQ. My brother, his fiance Melissa, and my 2 little nieces are over from the Gold Coast to get married on Saturday so I wanted it to be a nice easy-going family night. The food was great and the strawberry margaritas even better. Everyone ended up leaving before midnight (how times have changed when you get older and have children), so I saw it in with Reuben before we went to bed. Today my little nieces have stayed and I am soaking in my time with them. They are SUCH lovely girls and I only wish they lived here so I could have more time with them. BUT there is no point wishing and instead we have to make the most of it while they are here. Well enough of this post now. I'll see if I can borrow a camera until mine gets replaced so I can post some photos. I ma making the wedding cake so I would love to be able to get some photos of it to share with you all. Have a lovely New Year everyone.


  1. Oh Megan, I'm so sorry to hear that! I'm glad you were able to continue enjoying your holiday despite it all and hope you find another camera to use in the meantime as I do enjoy reading your posts and seeing the fruits of your labour. I hope you have a wonderful year. :-D

  2. So sorry to hear about the burglary, what a terrible violation, good on you for keeping your wonderful positive attitude, Happy New year to you and I hope you have fun at the wedding, can't wait to see the cake.

